In the November of year 2003, Pastor Israel Kang and his wife decided to have a small Bible study group in Houston’s Chinatown.
At the beginning, they rented only a small classroom, it started with only one or two participants. Gradually, it is God Himself led people come to the Bible study group. More and more people received the Holy Spirit, and more and more people were baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ.
As time passed, it became very clear that the Lord formed this small group to become a multicultural congregation.
In May 28, 2006, the Houston Apostolic Church officially started her first Sunday morning service. Since then, this young congregation has hosted two national Chinese Evangelism conferences in Houston. Hundreds of people attended these conferences, and many of them filled with Holy Spirit speaking in tongues and were baptized in Jesus name.
Signs, wonders, and miracles always followed the growth of this apostolic church. We have witnessed many sicknesses healed by the Lord Jesus: tumors that disappeared by the laying of hands, cancers that were totally healed by the prayer of faith; we have seen many prophecies that were fulfilled among the children of God before our eyes; we have many testimonies of the nine spiritual gifts operating in our young congregation.
Today, we are truly a multicultural church: we have Caucasians, African Americans, Hispanics, Filipinos, and Chinese in our congregation, and we expect more and more nationalities to be represented in our church!